Use GOM player to watch DVD movie format on your computer

Many people play the DVD format movies with computer using the Cyberlink Power DVD program. By using the Cyberlink Power DVD, languages ​​can be displayed and adjusted. But when I search for Cyberlink Power DVD program via the Internet and want to download it, I abandon my intention because the program was not free and besides, its size is very large.

I try using GOM Player to play it, but I do not know how to display the subtitles. Apparently, using the GOM player-language text can be displayed by installing ac3filter if you want to use GOM player to watch DVD movie format.

Here are some supporting files to GOM player that can be used to play some types of audio and video file format.


Keyword: cyberlink DVD alternative | other software watch DVD movie format | free software to watch DVD movie format on computer

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