
Positive and negative effects caused by BitLocker

Lots of changes made by Microsoft since the release of Windows 7 OS, features found in Windows 7 a lot of difference when compared to Windows XP.

One of the strengths of Windows 7 is located on the system security, where almost all aspects of the security system considered, both software and hardware (depending on how users understand the features available in Windows 7).

One of the features found in Windows 7 is not found in Windows XP is the Bit Locker feature, where the functions as described by Microsoft is to helps prevent unauthorized access to any files stored on the drives.

Positive effect
When you allow Bit Locker to lock your drives, then the files contained on the drive will be protected from unauthorized access (anyone can not access it even though you tried to boot from another OS). To unlock a locked drive must enter the correct password.

Negative effect
Hopefully this does not happen to you, I share this because I have experienced it myself.
Negative effects caused by activating this feature is you will have problems when you want to format a drive that you've protected with Bit Locker. This means that like this, when one day Windows 7 can not be loaded due to technical factors (possibly because of damage to the drive sector).

If it happened like that, you will not be able to reformat your drive, though you try to format the drive with booting from another OS.

In my opinion, that if the entire drive ever had a relationship with Windows 7, if either of the drive is ever protected by Bit Locker then all the drives will be difficult to be formatted (this is just my estimation). To format the drive, you have to boot using the windows 7 installer CD (I hope you have it).

So do not ever play around with Windows 7, because this OS is very serious and has shown its strength.
I said the negative effect was not demonstrated weaknesses on Windows 7, but the deterrent effect for those who like to experiment with Windows and who is pleased to tamper with the system. So, don't to think you can reformat and reinstall Windows 7 with as you please.

At least I've shared my experience, if you do not believe, please try it for yourself. The risk is on you. 

Keyworddord: Bit locker Performance Impact | Hacking and Breaking Bit locker | Bit Locker Drive Encryption | Lock and encode your flash drives with Bit Locker | Bit locker windows 7 | Bit locker unlock | Bit locker repair tool | Bit locker to go reader | Bit locker drive encryption windows 7 | Bit locker recovery password