
What is "DtecNet DMCA (Copyright) Complaint"?

"Do you know your online rights? Have you received a letter asking you to remove information from a Web site or to stop engaging in an activity? Are you concerned about liability for information that someone else posted to your online forum? If so, this site is for you".

It is a piece of a sentence that I quoted from "".

Copy and paste the rampant activities made ​​the original author of the article to be angry and upset. Why not?, because on one hand there are people who think of making an article that is very difficult and time consuming to do it, on the other hand there is the plagiarized be copied without feeling guilty..., so ironic.

There are so many bloggers take action plagiarized, they think what they do is not going unnoticed. Their goal is just to chase ratings, post as much as possible (if necessary in a day could be hundreds of articles posted - but from the way plagiarized.).

Make your articles or works of your own mind, even though it looks simple but the results of your own mind. Although should you plagiarized, do not forget to include the original authors copyright article (Owner of blog or website address).

So, "DtecNet DMCA (Copyright) Complaint" is an independent legal entity, where anyone can report a copyright infringement action. More questions about Copyright may be found in FAQs for its subtopics and related topics, linked below:

Link below is a list of websites / blogs that have been reported by a leading software company in the world. 

So from now on be careful if you want to be a plagiarism.

Keyword: DtecNet DMCA (Copyright) Complaint