
Let's straighten misperception about "backlinks"

How far you understand about back link? are you really 100% know the formula to produce a page rank?, how much profit is given based on the credibility of the website that linked to you?, what is the influence of a website with a low page rank to websites that have a high page rank or the opposite?
I have own assumptions about page rank and back links, and so you are. I think only a few people in this world who truly master it 100%, outside it were just an assumption based on what most people are saying.

Many inbound links can help improve your rank in search engines, and can serve as a measure of a site's's true. But how about with "link dead" or "no follow" link status? Are they can still be said affected to your website reputation?, or perhaps from hundreds of back links that you have you do not know which one dead, which one no follow or do follow?

Maybe some people do not know it, some of us just look the data from alexa back link reports. Visit to look your back link status. Do not be sad or surprised if there are a few of your back links status are dead link or no follow.

Actually, only the back link status of live or do follow that really contributes to the popularity of the website. Most of us are complacent and consider trivial.
I am personally very concerned about this, to the problem of back links, I never believe the links are just planted in the comments field or a post.
Do not ever buy a back link! build a website or a blog for your future back links. Work hard, do not be lazy and take shortcuts to popularity. Are there people who are paid without working?

Keyword: What is back links? | About back links | Perception of back links | Back links perception