
My opinion about adplatform

I say thank you for the bloggers who are always visiting this blog. Keep working and build the blogs with high quality contents. I am glad to see the development and progress of the bloggers these days, where the bloggers are more seriously to manage their blog.

How many of us have ever been rejected by the ad platform to act as a publisher? I am one of them, and you may also have experienced it. How often do you refused to act as a publisher? I very often rejected, maybe some of you are also experiencing the same fate as me. What reason they give why your blog is rejected as a publisher? They did not give a specific reason, sir.

Yes, they never give a specific reason, they never tell you where the fault lies, they are more concerned about the advertiser. The question is "do you ever feel how it feels to be rejected over and over again without any clear answers?" No, you will never feel the disappointment of how it feels to be rejected.

Hello advertiser, just save your money because I do not need it. Maybe you think bloggers are beggars. Maybe you think bloggers need you and you do not need us. Maybe you say to your ad platform

"do not make the rules easier, make them beg!, if not, we will not advertise again to you".

Not just a click, even impressions also would not I give to the arrogant advertisers.

Unilateral rules of adplatform
How many of the bloggers who've banned and after that no longer allowed to participate as a publisher? There have been many who experienced it, even they do not know why it could happen to them. Why do you get banned and your rights revoked? I do not know Sir, they say the invalid click activity. Have you ever intentionally clicked on the ad? No, Sir. I never click on an ad and I am very obedient at their rules. Are you resigned to it when they punish you? Yes, Sir, I do not want to take a risk in the future if I have a plan to register my other blog to this adplatform. Stupid ... they are not God that governs your sustenance.

If I was the boss of this adplatform, I will review the performance of my expert team.
My message to the professional blogger, think again their rules. If you let this continue to happen, it will only strengthen the opinion or perception that the only bloggers who need them. I think this arrogance must end.
Remember, without the blogs .... there is no place for your ads. No one will ever want to advertise to you. Therefore, review your expert team if they are working properly or not.

Keyword: about ad platform | the negative side of the ad platform